Donkey Punch
15:50 | Author: Anonymous
Three girls from Leeds are on a long weekend in Mallorca to party. They meet up with three guys and go on a big motor yacht to sea to party. On the boat is a fourth guy. There is drugs, booze and sex....and death. One of the girls is accidentally killed by one of the guys who takes her from behind and performs a Donkey Punch on her (which kills her). They try to find a way to cover it up and that's when the shit hits the fan.

I didn't really care for the characters. Partying, drugs and booze aren't my thing. There is one guy on board who seems sensible, also one girl, she didn't want to go with them but was persuaded by her two friends. If this story would have a moral it would be that telling the truth saves a lot of trouble. The gore is okay, death by outboard motor is messy :)

Rating : 7
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