18:00 | Author: Unknown
description: woman, pregnant, car accident, baby dead, baby alive, alternative doctor, mother in law, blood

(Geoffrey): (rating 6,5)
I'll keep this one short. The movie starts with one of the most boring sex-scenes you've ever seen. "Honey, please wake me up when you're done!" sort of feeling. The woman get's pregnant and goes to an alternative doctor for support when she gives birth. Just before that, she and her husband get in a car accident and the woman is the sole survivor. Though the unborn baby is dead, she wants to give natural birth. At some point, she gives birth at the alternative doctor's place. Like a miracle, the baby lives........

Overal ok, not briljant. At the end of the movie, I got a Bonny & Clyde vibe and a small could well bel Let the right one in, the prequel ;-)
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