Impressions day 2
01:55 | Author: Hans

(bit late, here's the complete 100-ticket-snake of Joost and me)

Finally, procrastination has arrived! I miss the first film but slip slowly into the festival mood. Our t-shirts are ready, now the last thing I need are some batteries for my pen-with-a-lightie and I am all set.

My attention shifts per film; it can be the visual, the overall mood, music. These days I often seem to focus on details pertaining to the storyline and its elements. There is no fixed set of parameters that I keep in mind while watching, which might be an explanation - not a defense - of reviews differing wildly in details and focus.

A short insight into the minds of two AFFF-adepts (warning: strong moonlanguage). Background info; one not-to-be-named individual has Trouble with Tags

(01:27:51 AM) H: streepjes-hoer!
(01:27:51 AM) G: Hans, je bent een bitchhoer
(01:28:07 AM) G: nee, zebrahomo
(01:28:18 AM) H: luie flikker
(01:28:36 AM) H: slordige tag-prostitue
(01:29:21 AM) G: ja Hans, je bent zelf ook niet flekkeloos zegt Joost. Ga betere waspooier gebruiken
(01:30:04 AM) H:
(01:30:28 AM) G: fok die bitchasswhitch
(01:30:32 AM) H: papegaai-lul
(01:31:00 AM) G: ach man, krijg toch een stijve van die blind whitch
(01:31:15 AM) G: :-)
(01:31:51 AM) H: dit is wel een verrekt mooi msn-gesprek moet ik zeggen
(01:32:06 AM) G: ook op de blog ;-)
(01:34:26 AM) H: ik gooi 'm wel bij m'n impressies
(01:34:38 AM) G: hehe :-)
(01:34:55 AM) H: met al je spellingsfouten erbij, blind-loensende typgeit
(01:35:21 AM) G: gelukkig deed ik dat niet expressohoer!
(01:35:34 AM) H: senseo-metro-gay
(01:36:47 AM) G: tri-sexual anime witchofiel!
(01:37:26 AM) G: tags met kleine letters? Welke fontsize?
(01:37:27 AM) H: you're the weakest link and the biggest impotent moron. Get lost.

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