"We call him when we want something different"
Links: AFFF
Cory McAbee talked about his experiences shooting for the small screen of cell phones, and about his work so far in film and music as well.
For Stingray Sam he has chosen to put a lot of information and music in each episode, to accommodate and invite multiple viewings.
Some specific comments he made on the process of making films for cell phones: wide shots tend not to work, just like lots of camera moves, fast editing, and a credit crawl at then end (because no-one watches this). There is no fixed aspect ratio so whatever choice was made, chances are high that the end result will be displayed letterboxed or squeezed. Cory also said to be considering shooting his next cell phone project in "tall screen" format, since phones tend to be more tall than wide, and people don't always flip their phones.
A charming chap, this Cory McAbee. Witty and honest about his work and his experiences, talking passionately about what he does and why he chooses to do it this way. Let's hope Stingray Sam does well so that he can continue to develop new music and films.
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